import os, sys import commands import optparse import shutil INSTALL_DIR = "" BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) SIP_FILE = "poppler-qt4.sip" BUILD_DIR = "build" SBF_FILE = "QtPoppler.sbf" def _cleanup_path(path): """ Cleans the path: - Removes traling / or \ """ path = path.rstrip('/') path = path.rstrip('\\') return path def pkgconfig(package): ''' Calls pkg-config for the given package Returns: - None if the package is not found. - {'inc_dirs': [List of -L Paths] 'lib_dirs' : [List of -I Paths] 'libs ' : [List of -l libs] } ''' code, msg = commands.getstatusoutput("pkg-config --exists %s" % package) if code != 0: return None tokens = commands.getoutput("pkg-config --libs --cflags %s" % package).split() return { 'inc_dirs': [ token[2:] for token in tokens if token[:2] == '-I'], 'lib_dirs': [ token[2:] for token in tokens if token[:2] == '-L'], 'libs': [ token[2:] for token in tokens if token[:2] == '-l'], } def create_optparser(sipcfg): '''Comandline parser''' def store_abspath(option, opt_str, value, parser): setattr(parser.values, option.dest, os.path.abspath(value)) def get_default_moddir(): default = sipcfg.default_mod_dir default = os.path.join(default, INSTALL_DIR) return default p = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]") default_moddir = get_default_moddir() p.add_option("-d", "--destdir", action="callback", default=default_moddir, type="string", metavar="DIR", dest="moddir", callback=store_abspath, help="Where to install PyPoppler-Qt4 python modules." "[default: %default]") p.add_option("-s", "--sipdir", action="callback", default=os.path.join(sipcfg.default_sip_dir, INSTALL_DIR), metavar="DIR", dest="sipdir", callback=store_abspath, type="string", help="Where the .sip files will be installed " "[default: %default]") p.add_option("", "--popplerqt-includes-dir", action="callback", default=None, metavar="DIR", dest="popplerqt_inc_dirs", callback=store_abspath, type="string", help="PopplerQt include paths" "[default: Auto-detected with pkg-config]") p.add_option("", "--popplerqt-libs-dir", action="callback", default=None, metavar="DIR", dest="popplerqt_lib_dirs", callback=store_abspath, type="string", help="PopplerQt libraries paths" "[default: Auto-detected with pkg-config]") return p def get_pyqt4_config(): try: import PyQt4.pyqtconfig return PyQt4.pyqtconfig.Configuration() except ImportError, e: print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: PyQt4 not found." sys.exit(1) def get_sip_config(): try: import sipconfig return sipconfig.Configuration() except ImportError, e: print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: SIP (sipconfig) not found." sys.exit(1) def get_popplerqt_config(opts): config = pkgconfig('poppler-qt4') if config is not None: found_pkgconfig = True else: found_pkgconfig = False config = {'libs': ['poppler-qt4', 'poppler'], 'inc_dirs': None, 'lib_dirs': None} if opts.popplerqt_inc_dirs is not None: config['inc_dirs'] = opts.popplerqt_inc_dirs.split(" ") if opts.popplerqt_lib_dirs is not None: config['lib_dirs'] = opts.popplerqt_lib_dirs.split(" ") if config['lib_dirs'] is None or config['inc_dirs'] is None: print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: poppler-qt4 not found." print "Try to define PKG_CONFIG_PATH " print "or use --popplerqt-libs-dir and --popplerqt-includes-dir options" sys.exit(1) config['inc_dirs'] = map(_cleanup_path, config['inc_dirs']) config['lib_dirs'] = map(_cleanup_path, config['lib_dirs']) config['sip_dir'] = _cleanup_path(opts.sipdir) config['mod_dir'] = _cleanup_path(opts.moddir) print "Using PopplerQt include paths: %s" % config['inc_dirs'] print "Using PopplerQt libraries paths: %s" % config['lib_dirs'] print "Configured to install SIP in %s" % config['sip_dir'] print "Configured to install binaries in %s" % config['mod_dir'] return config def create_build_dir(): dir = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, BUILD_DIR) if os.path.exists(dir): return try: os.mkdir(dir) except: print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: Unable to create the build directory (%s)" % dir sys.exit(1) def run_sip(pyqtcfg): create_build_dir() cmd = [pyqtcfg.sip_bin, "-c", os.path.join(BASE_DIR, BUILD_DIR), "-b", os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, SBF_FILE), "-I", pyqtcfg.pyqt_sip_dir, pyqtcfg.pyqt_sip_flags, os.path.join(BASE_DIR, SIP_FILE)] os.system( " ".join(cmd) ) def generate_makefiles(pyqtcfg, popplerqtcfg, opts): from PyQt4 import pyqtconfig import sipconfig pypopplerqt4config_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "") # Creeates the Makefiles objects for the build directory makefile_build = pyqtconfig.sipconfig.ModuleMakefile( configuration=pyqtcfg, build_file=SBF_FILE, dir=BUILD_DIR, install_dir=popplerqtcfg['mod_dir'], warnings=1, qt=['QtCore', 'QtGui', 'QtXml'] ) # Add extras dependencies for the compiler and the linker # Libraries names don't include any platform specific prefixes # or extensions (e.g. the "lib" prefix on UNIX, or the ".dll" extension on Windows) makefile_build.extra_lib_dirs = popplerqtcfg['lib_dirs'] makefile_build.extra_libs = popplerqtcfg['libs'] makefile_build.extra_include_dirs = popplerqtcfg['inc_dirs'] # Generates build Makefile makefile_build.generate() # Generates root Makefile installs_root = [] installs_root.append( (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, SIP_FILE), popplerqtcfg['sip_dir']) ) installs_root.append( (pypopplerqt4config_file, popplerqtcfg['mod_dir']) ) sipconfig.ParentMakefile( configuration=pyqtcfg, subdirs=[_cleanup_path(BUILD_DIR)], installs=installs_root ).generate() def generate_configuration_module(pyqtcfg, popplerqtcfg, opts): import sipconfig content = { "pypopplerqt4_sip_dir": popplerqtcfg['sip_dir'], "pypopplerqt4_sip_flags": pyqtcfg.pyqt_sip_flags, "pypopplerqt4_mod_dir": popplerqtcfg['mod_dir'], "pypopplerqt4_modules": 'PopplerQt', "popplerqt4_inc_dirs": popplerqtcfg['inc_dirs'], "popplerqt4_lib_dirs": popplerqtcfg['lib_dirs'], } # This creates the module from the # template and the dictionary. sipconfig.create_config_module( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ""), os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ""), content) def main(): sipcfg = get_sip_config() pyqtcfg = get_pyqt4_config() parser = create_optparser(sipcfg) opts, args = parser.parse_args() popplerqtcfg = get_popplerqt_config(opts) run_sip(pyqtcfg) generate_makefiles(pyqtcfg, popplerqtcfg, opts) generate_configuration_module(pyqtcfg, popplerqtcfg, opts) if __name__ == "__main__": main()